Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First South Kerry Camera Club Exhibition

Angela from Tech Amergin sent me these informations about the opening night of our Camera Club´s first exhibition during Heritage week here in South Kerry.
You are all very welcome!
Promontory Fort or Portmagee Castle

"Just to let you know about Culture Night on Friday, September 24th. This event is organised by Tech Amergin Arts.

7:30 pm - South Kerry Camera club will open an exhibition of photos on an archaeological theme -Opened by John Sheehan (archaeologist)

8:00 pm - Heritage Iveragh will host a talk on archaeology and history of Iveragh - An overview with John Sheehan (archaeologist)

10:00 pm - South Kerry Astronomy group will host a talk and slide show on astronomy followed by weather permitting, an outside telescopic viewing

All events will take place at Tech Amergin, Waterville, Co. Kerry."