Monday, July 15, 2013

Kells Bay Garden with the South Kerry Camera Club

The South Kerry Camera Club and some friends from the Killarney club went to Kells Bay Garden for a fantastic Thai Lunch and a photo walk through the park. The food  was a real treat and very good. The room where you eat and the other rooms are beautiful designed and very tasteful decorated. The furniture is mixed asian and european and works well. The garden is a heaven for any photographer. The special bonus was this time to see the water lilies in the little lake near the Gunnera. I´ll be back there very soon, for more food and photos. Bring a tripod if you are going to take photos, the light can be limited. Thanks for friends and family coming along, everybody had a great time.
All photos Canon 5d and 50/100 macro lens.
©Michael Herrmann 2013